Coaching is indeed a privilege. With it, comes the tremendous responsibility of giving back to the game. Through sharing, our players benefit, our programs advance, and we realize personal growth.
Some of you may be well aware of the story of Elena Delle Donne. We encourage you to read the following
article (written by Dick Patrick) that recently appeared in USA Today. It outlines the struggles of a
high level athlete that has worked hard to put family, basketball, life, and school into balance.
When you read the article, consider the importance of the "whole athlete" as well as the concept of
truly making an effort to view situations through the eyes of another.
The article highlights several major concepts:
Read, enjoy, learn, visit often, and share in return. That is all we ask as you make our blog a destination in your
travels of the electronic basketball coaching world. Our entries promote sharing of knowledge and ideas,
as well as basketball coach and player development. Through regular visits, you will discover concepts, clinics,
plays, health guidance, drills, camps, and insight.
Upcoming Can-Am On-Court Basketball Coaches Clinics include a special visit by Dave Odom (plus other insightful
coaches) in June, 2010. For an intense and fun week of individual player development, consider COBA camp in
August. Want updates on clinics and camps? Be sure to save www.cobacamp.com. We look forward to sharing
with you!