Monday, November 8, 2010

Can-Am Clinic's Dave Odom

This past June, Coach Dave Odom taught with great passion at the most recent Can-Am On-Court Basketball Coaching Clinic. Coach gave the attending coaches plenty to think about, and did so with tremendous energy. We remain grateful for his efforts and sharing. For ongoing teaching as well as early info on next year's clinic, go to the Can-Am clinic's Facebook page.

As the college basketball season heats up, Coach Odom now finds his days full with preparations for the annual EA Sports Maui Invitational. In his second season as Tournament Chairman, Coach Odom is looking forward to this year's strong field - one that includes Michigan State and Kentucky. Next year, the field expands with additions of teams and game locations (see the ESPN article). Just as he did at our clinic in Windsor, Coach Odom has made a positive impact on the annual Maui event.

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