There are many terrific sources of information for coaches - books, dvd's, clinics, other coaches, watching games, online resources, blogs, etc. Add Twitter to that long list. Twitter is yet another avenue where coaches who want to learn can connect with coaches and leaders that like to share.
Getting started is easy. Finding resources is easy. Staying connected is easy. The rest is then up to you. If you wish, simply follow people that offer material that interests you - whether on nutrition, quotes and phrases, physical development, mental training, x's and o's, motivation, leadership, coaching resources, the list is endless. If you want to share, then that is available too - who knows, you may develop a list of learners that want to follow you.
Regardless, it is yet another great tool in your box. The best part of all is that the information comes to you - after you set up the list of people from who you'd like to learn, they automatically teach and share with you on a regular basis. Unlike books, dvd's, and watching games, you don't have to go looking for this information - it comes to you. Going to will get you started.
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