Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Coaching Clinic - 2009 workout highlight

As mentioned in previous posts, the annual Can-Am On-Court Basketball Coaching Clinic is fast approaching (June 4th-5th) and will offer the attending coaches excellent value for time and dollars spent.

For a highlight from one of last year's intense sessions with Coach Larry Shyatt (Assistant Coach to Billy Donovan at University of Florida), please go to or and enjoy. You will be watching a Windsor Lancer forward working very hard to get in the target number of high quality reps of a sprint to ball screen, slip, shoot, and shoot of a second ball. Coach Shyatt was always clear in his instruction - in order for players to reach their next level, they need to put in the quality work in the gym (both in season and off season).

Watch for an announcement over the next few days. Coaches Don Casey and Dave Odom have confirmed for June 4th-5th, and the third coach is about to be announced. Again, for those coaches wishing to attend the clinic please simply go to the online form at

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