Monday, May 3, 2010

Coming soon - coaches clinic

In just less than five weeks, the Can-Am On-Court Coaching Clinic will be hosting three tremendous guest speakers - Dave Odom, Don Casey, and Greg Kampe. The three presenters will be covering basketball from many different perspectives, on both sides of the ball, providing terrific insight on a wide range of topics. This clinic is a "must see" especially when you consider the content, the depth of presenter experience, the interactive format, plus the coaches' networking social on the first evening.

Coach Don Casey writes a blog and it is worth bookmarking and reading with regularity. He tries to post something weekly, the material is always well-written and full of valuable insight into the game - both at home and internationally. To read Coach Casey's Temple of Zones blog, go to To see Coach Casey in action at the upcoming (June 4-5) Can-Am Clinic, go to and register by downloading the form. Bring plenty of paper - you'll need it for all of your notes!

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