Sunday, July 18, 2010


That communication is important is certainly an understatement. Need a reminder? Try getting your point across to somebody that does not speak your language. What tools do you have in that situation? Cues, both verbal and non, play a role. Some thoughts to consider and reinforce for a new season:
  • recognize how you receive communication and it will help with how you send (if YOU don't listen when somebody rambles then DON'T be long-winded yourself)
  • use cues with your players so that they can better establish what you mean/want (put your hand in the air when you say "hold" then they will understand the command when just the hand signal is used)
  • understand that today's players are fundamentally very different from the previous generation and need different communication as a result (if you need evidence, volunteer to work at a camp of teenage players - they speak a unique language)
  • embrace the new ways of communicating - the entire world is using sound bites, not long documentary pieces, you need to do the same
  • utilize social media to your advantage - there is a reason that brief text messages and tweets are more popular than email and articles (some people want you to get your message across in 140 characters or you may lose their attention)
  • timeouts are moments of communication with increased importance - use the brief time to get across two short messages (don't try to tell them all you know about the sport PLUS do remember that players may only recall the LAST thing you told them anyway)

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